Improv for business

Learn how to communicate with confidence!

Improv teaches you to “think fast on your feet”.  The actors really do make up the scenes as they go along. The secret: they’ve rehearsed and practiced techniques to pull off the amazing scene creation.

WOW your audience!Improv actors master skills through games that test recall, focus and listening skills. You, too, can learn these skills. Apply them daily— presenting to your team, relating with your children or closing that huge deal. Learn how to “read” body language, and how to communicate with anyone by learning how to “speak their language”.

There’s never been a better time to learn how to speak with confidence, to communicate with clarity! Whether you are a newly promoted manager, or a seasoned executive, you are about to learn the strategies and secrets that professional actors have known for years – and apply them to any setting! Banish stage fright, leap into certainty and actively engage others in the process. Inspire confidence in others by being confident!

The reviews are in! See what graduates have to say.

My presentation went beautifully. The editor of a national magazine wants to know where I received my training.

– Emily Kirkpatrick, vice president, National Center for Family Literacy